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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - heap


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Перевод с английского языка heap на русский

1) куча; груда; масса

наваливать; загромождать 2) отвал; терриконник 3) динамически распределяемая область памяти - junk heap - malt heap - roast heap - scrap heap - spoil heap

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См. в других словарях

  куча storage heap ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) баган 2) ворох 3) груда 4) куча 5) кучной 6) наполнить 7) наполнять 8) насыпать 9) отвал - heap antinomy - heap roasting - heap up - mergeable heap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. куча, груда a heap of stones —- груда камней a heap of coal —- куча угля 2. разг. масса, уйма, множество a heap of work —- масса работы heaps of people —- масса людей heapa of time —- уйма времени heaps of times —- много (тысячу) раз; часто to make a heap of mistakes —- делать уйму (массу) ошибок to have heaps of money —- иметь уйму денег there were heaps and heaps of them —- их было полным-полно (тьма-тьмущая) there are heaps of books on this subject —- на эту тему написано много книг there is heaps more to say on this question —- по этому вопросу можно еще много сказать she feels a heap better —- она чувствует себя куда лучше 3. разг. старый автомобиль, драндулет, колымага 4. горн. отвал, терриконик Id: all of a heap —- тяжело, всей тяжестью; неожиданно, резко; как обухом по голове Id: he fell all of a heap upon the chair —- он тяжело повалился на стул Id: all of a heap the room was empty —- комната враз опустела Id: to knock (to strike) smb. all of a heap —- ошеломить, поразить, огорошить кого-л.; привести кого-л. в замешательство 5. нагромождать; складывать, сваливать в кучу (также heap up, heap together) to heap (up) stones —- сваливать камни в кучу 6. накапливать, скапливать (также heap up) to heap up riches —- накапливать богатства; богатеть to heap up facts, names and dates in one's memory —- запомнить или хранить в памяти массу фактов, имен и дат 7. накапливаться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) куча, груда  2) coll. масса; уйма  3) pl.; coll. множество, много heaps of time - много/масса времени he is heaps better - ему много лучше  4) mining отвал struck/knocked all of a heap coll. - сраженный, ошеломленный; подавленный Syn: see pile  2. v.  1) нагромождать (on) Heap on more wood.  2) накоплять (часто heap up)  3) нагружать (with) Our very generous host heaped our plates with food.  4) осыпать (милостями, наградами и. п.) (with) The crowd heaped the singer with praise. - heap up HEAP up провоцировать If you always give the children everything they want, you will be heaping up trouble for yourself. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a collection of things lying haphazardly one on another. 2 (esp. in pl.) colloq. a large number or amount (there's heaps of time; is heaps better). 3 sl. an old or dilapidated thing, esp. a motor vehicle or building. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (foll. by up, together, etc.) collect or be collected in a heap. 2 tr. (foll. by with) load copiously or to excess. 3 tr. (foll. by on, upon) accord or offer copiously to (heaped insults on them). 4 tr. (as heaped adj.) (of a spoonful etc.) with the contents piled above the brim. Phrases and idioms heap coals of fire on a person's head cause a person remorse by returning good for evil. Etymology: OE heap, heapian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English heep, from Old English heap; akin to Old High German houf ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a collection of things thrown one on another ; pile  2. a great number or large quantity ; lot  II. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to throw or lay in a ~ ; pile or collect in great quantity his sole object was to ~ up riches  b. to form or round into a ~ ~ed the dirt into a mound  c. to form a ~ on ; load heavily ~ the plates with food  2. to accord or bestow lavishly or in large quantities ~ed honors upon them ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (heaps, heaping, heaped) 1. A heap of things is a pile of them, especially a pile arranged in a rather untidy way. ...a heap of bricks... He has dug up the tiles that cover the floor and left them in a heap. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. If you heap things somewhere, you arrange them in a large pile. Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael’s plate. VERB: V n prep/adv • Heap up means the same as heap. Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 3. If you heap praise or criticism on someone or something, you give them a lot of praise or criticism. The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators. VERB: V n on/upon n 4. Heaps of something or a heap of something is a large quantity of it. (INFORMAL) You have heaps of time... I got in a heap of trouble. = load QUANT: QUANT of n-uncount/pl-n 5. Someone who is at the bottom of the heap or at the top of the heap is low down or high up in society or an organization. Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, PHR after v 6. If someone collapses in a heap, they fall heavily and untidily and do not move. The young footballer collapsed in a heap after a heavy tackle. PHRASE: v PHR, v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a large untidy pile of things  (a rubbish heap) + of  (heaps of dead leaves) in heaps  (Dirty clothes lay in heaps on the floor.) 2 heaps of informal a lot of something  (Don't worry, we've got heaps of time.) 3 humorous an old car that is in bad condition 4 fall/collapse in a heap to fall down and lie without moving 5 be struck/knocked all of a heap BrE old-fashioned informal to be suddenly very surprised or confused ~2 v 1 also heap up to put a lot of things on top of each other in an untidy way  (The ashes from the fire were heaped in a huge pile. | heap sth on/onto)  (They had heaped all the rubbish onto the back of the truck.) 2 be heaped with if a plate is heaped with food, it has a lot on it 3 heap praises/insults etc on to praise, insult etc someone a lot ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. High Explosive Armor Piercing univ. abbr. History Exam Assessment Plan ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. heap "pile, great number, multitude," from W.Gmc. *khaupaz, related to O.E. heah "high." The verb is from O.E. heapian. Slang meaning "old car" is attested from 1924. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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